
2019-02-20 | 发布者:小编在线 | 来自工程机械在线

  新春伊始,中车长客股份公司与澳大利亚合作伙伴唐纳公司(Downers EDI)联合获得悉尼城市双层客车项目二期采购订单。该订单包括新购17组双层客车以及车辆的维护保养。其中,中国中车负责列车的设计与制造。


  Downer announced today that the NSW Government had ordered 17 more Waratah Series 2 trains as part of the Sydney Growth Trains contract.



  The new trains feature:double deck carriages;air-conditioning with temperature control;high definition customer information screens;internal and external CCTV and customer help points; and priority seating, wheelchair spaces and hearing aid loops.



  作为联合体成员,中车长客股份公司(CRRC Changchun)将负责列车的制造与按时交付,Downers EDI负责组装及后期维护。







  By bolstering our order by another 17 trains, we will make the network more reliable and more comfortable for our customers.”

  Sydney's stretched rail network in store for $900m in new trains


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